AI for Customer Experience (CX): A CMO Guide to AI

Hugh O'Neal
March 18, 2024
AI for Customer Experience (CX): A CMO Guide to AI

In the swiftly shifting landscape of 2024, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) faces a distinctive hurdle. They have to navigate the social and economic shifts. Moreover, they have to champion brand expansion and strengthen client loyalty. It’s a dynamic role in an ever-changing world.

In this context, AI customer experience (CX) becomes a core driver. Bain & Company claims that a 10% boost in client experience can lead to a 30% rise in client lifetime value. AI plays a vital role in this situation. In the CMO guide to AI, we’ll touch on the significance of AI and how CMOs uncover new CX value.

What Is AI for Customer Experience, and Why Does It Matter?

AI for CX is about leveraging AI technologies to enhance customer interactions. CMOs may streamline business operations and ultimately boost overall customer satisfaction. Among the primary technologies are ML and natural language processing (NLP).

Before being used, AI systems are educated by utilizing an organization’s data. They may also learn more over time and become more adept at responding more accurately. AI learns which answers are most beneficial based on past exchanges.

Why should CMOs care? Conversational AI and Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVA) completely change your AI customer experience strategy. They address consumer demands across all channels and enable natural communication between clients and live agents. IVAs offer smooth and tailored self-service. Thanks to it, clients may manage their questions whenever convenient.

According to the research, 84% of IT leaders think AI would improve client service at their company. As an illustration, conversational assistants powered by AI may boost support agents’ productivity by 14%.

In practical client experience, the goal is to chart the buying journey, examine client challenges, and continually enhance the product with insights from clients. GenAI plays a pivotal role in amplifying and expanding these objectives. It includes hyper-personalization, on-the-fly sentiment analysis, predictive analytics, and finely detailed segmentation.

CMOs often lead the charge in driving organizational innovation and exploring ways to set the brand apart. AI stands as a significant ally in this quest. Throughout the years, ample data illustrates how companies have utilized technology to gain a competitive advantage and propel firm expansion. CMO strategy remains pivotal in maintaining your role as an innovator and early adopter.

How Сan CMOs Unlock New CX Value With AI?

How Do You Unlock New CX Values with AI?

A PWC survey examining consumer preferences reveals that 86% of consumers are prepared to pay more for a superior CX. It emphasizes the need for CMOs to tap into fresh approaches to customer experience.

CMOs must now acknowledge the significant advantages of AI integration. The connection is the cornerstone of strategic operations, beyond simple customer experience automation. AI gives teams the AI marketing tools to explore changing client behavior and market trends. AI enables CMOs to use tech to gain deep insights and predictive analytics.

Start with great data

At the heart of sprucing up AI’s human-like qualities lies training. As time progresses, copious amounts of data, typically unstructured text gleaned from the internet, shape AI’s ability to make judgments and decisions. In the initial stages of AI development, some poorly trained bots arose due to flawed training data. Despite significant development, glitches might still happen, especially with widely recognized AI systems. In the AI customer experience context, such errors will negatively impact brand relationships. It may provide inaccurate responses to consumers. To mitigate the risk, CMOs need to begin with improved, preferably structured, training data.

Don’t be afraid of using AI — fear missing it out

For much of 2023, organizations have feared AI. But now, they’re shifting to AI FOMO. Now, marketers spend much less time mining and sifting through their data. Statistical surveys report a substantial 75% of genAI’s value is concentrated in these key areas:

  • sales and marketing,
  • customer operations,
  • software engineering,
  • R&D.

Just picture a scenario where instead of dreading AI, marketers harness its potential. They may combine the creative power of genAI for creating content with AI-driven insights derived from contact center data. The synergy can fuel genuinely personalized and targeted marketing efforts.

Getting AI-driven customer insights

CMOs can now access a multitude of client data through various CX AI solutions. It can significantly improve the accuracy of SEO efforts. AI algorithms examine consumer behavior through meticulous data analysis, determining which SEO strategies result in the highest engagement and conversions. By forecasting trends and tailoring content, these sophisticated analytics capabilities make it possible to optimize marketing efforts.

With this information at hand, CMOs may create audience-resonant strategy approaches. Marketing executives make sure their firms stay competitive in a continuously changing digital marketplace by utilizing AI to gain deep insights into their customers.

Take support personally

For CMOs diving into AI, the initial advice is to embrace an experimental mindset. Even if the ways AI can be beneficial aren’t crystal clear, taking that first step is crucial. Having a strategic support partner eases the integration of AI. It’s particularly important when working on scalable and agile CMO customer service solutions. Explore the possibilities with MetaDialog. We offer a secure, multilingual customer support AI that seamlessly integrates into your customer support software, all tailored to fit your company’s procedures and rules.

Secondly, focus on specific use cases. Documented use cases are vital guides when creating more tailored content, automating tedious procedures, or creating photos or videos. This concentrated strategy guarantees a practical and targeted beginning point of the application of AI.

Finally, CMOs should have a growth attitude and establish higher standards. There might not be an instant solution. Nevertheless, adopting a mindset of constant improvement holds the potential to unveil unanticipated possibilities and advancements.

AI for Customer Experience (CX): A CMO Guide to AI

Wrapping Up

Artificial Intelligence for CX is on the brink of evolving beyond simple text and voice recognition. The future brings the potential of Emotion AI. AI may understand and respond to human emotions conveyed through facial expressions or tone of voice. Moreover, CMOs may aim for immersive client experiences. Progress in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) holds a lot of promise.

CMOs can use CX to pass through the rapidly changing landscape of AI by adopting modern methods and being flexible and adaptive. Digital marketing enhanced by Artificial Intelligence for customer experience has a lot of promise. It can provide companies with unique opportunities to engage and enthrall their target audience.

MetaDialog can help you increase productivity significantly. We present a unique AI support platform, multilingual and easily incorporated. Your staff will handle more requests more effectively and with fewer mistakes. Instant support benefits customers. It assures their satisfaction and favorable ratings of your company.